Throughout 2013, something I have thought about is the path I am taking through life, and how crucial it is to take a path that is enjoyable and beneficial to myself. It is my worst nightmare to wake up every morning at 45 years old, and drag myself to a job that I hate, and come home and the most exciting part of the day is watching jeopardy. It is important to take a path that is for you, instead of taking a path that was meant for someone else, in order to have a certain image or fit in or whatever.
Another thing I have though about is the need for something bigger than myself. Everything in this world is so fleeting. It's inevitable, but feelings, and relationships, and money, and jobs are all fleeting. None of those things even last. So it has been heavy on my mind how fleeting the world is and how it is important to have someone or something bigger than yourself to believe in. (ew how cheesy).
Something else that has been insanely prominent within the past year is descision making. With high school ending and the next chapter starting, there have been a LOT of big desicions to make. It is scary that basically the rest of our lives depend on how well we handle things as high schoolers. Making the wrong desicion or just choosing one option over another can change everything. That's pretty scary, but also really exciting.
Lastly, I have thought a lot about how very small I am in this vast universe. This though always makes me desire to do something memorable, or do something big. Something that will make people remember me. It's a wierd thing for me to want, being one who has either always been pushed to the outside, or has always preferred to be on the outside. The idea of being the center of attention scares me but the idea of leaving a strong impression makes me happy.